The Development Foundation of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts


+7 (495) 609-5668

Реквизиты Фонда:
ОГРН 1147799016133
ИНН 7704282509
КПП 770401001
119019, г. Москва, Колымажный пер., дом 6 стр.2
Расчетный счет в рублях 40703810301400000112 в АО "АЛЬФА-БАНК"
Расчетный счет в долларах США 40703840201400000062
Расчетный счет в Евро 40703978301400000041
БИК 044525593
корреспондентский счет № 30101810200000000593 в ОПЕРУ МОСКВА.

The Development Foundation of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts was created on October 13, 2014 with the aim of providing a comprehensive support to the Museum.

The Foundation sets a mission to create the Museum of a new generation which is quite different from what you are used to. However, we all understand that such a task is practically impossible without the support and assistance. The main objective of the Foundation is to attract funds from the Trustees and donators. The funds are mostly allocated to the purchase of the works of art, arrangement of the exhibitions, archeological excavations, publishing and educational programmes.

The governing bodies of the Development Foundation are:
The Chairman of The Board of The Foundation - Olga Galaktionova
The Director of the Foundation – Nadezhda Bogdanova
The supervising authority is the Board of Trustees.

+7 (499) 678-34-89
+7 (925) 090-84-80,
+7 (926) 092-79-04


Address and Banking details:
ОГРН 1147799016133
ИНН 7704282509
КПП 770401001
Address: 6/2, Kolymazhny lane, Moscow, 119019, Russia

Current Account in RUR 40703810301400000112 OJSC "ALFA-BANK"
Current Account in US Dollars 40703840201400000062
Current Account in EUR 40703978301400000041
(ИНН 7728168971, ОГРН 1027700067328,)
SWIFT 044525593
Correspondent Account No 30101810200000000593.

We thank everyone in advance who will help us!


+7 (495) 609-5668

Реквизиты Фонда:
ОГРН 1147799016133
ИНН 7704282509
КПП 770401001
119019, г. Москва, Колымажный пер., дом 6 стр.2
Расчетный счет в рублях 40703810301400000112 в АО "АЛЬФА-БАНК"
Расчетный счет в долларах США 40703840201400000062
Расчетный счет в Евро 40703978301400000041
БИК 044525593
корреспондентский счет № 30101810200000000593 в ОПЕРУ МОСКВА.