The Pushkin Museum’s Summer School of Inclusive Practice will take place in Moscow and Tarusa from 1 to 7 July 2019

08 Фев 2019

From 1 to 7 July, 2019, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts will hold a summer school of inclusive practice for the second time as part of the Accessible Museum Project. The latter is addressed to museum professionals working with disabled people. Participants of inclusive and educational projects, art therapists, museum guides and leaders of art studios and clubs are invited to take part in the session.

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts has been making all efforts for many years to provide access for disabled people. We have actively cooperated with specialized organizations and educational institutions to develop regulations and methods improving relationships and interactions between kids and adults with disabilities. The Pushkin Museum has a Museion Children's Educational Center which inter alia conducts classes for disabled children. Since 2016, the museum has been implementing the Accessible Museum Program to expand the inclusivity spectrum and create additional opportunities for people with disabilities.

The Summer School of Inclusive Practice includes both theoretical and practical lessons for kids and adults with developmental disabilities, deaf or hard of hearing, and people with vision disorders. The school events will take place on the main premises as well as Tarusa Branch of the museum, particularly at the Edward Steinberg’s workshop.

In view of the limited number of places, the priority will be given to the regional applicants whose activity is consistent with the purpose of this educational program to the greatest extent.


Olga Morozova, Head of Aesthetic Department, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Maria Dreznina, Artist, Senior Researcher, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Evgeniya Kiseleva, Head of Inclusive Programs Department, Curator of the Summer School of Inclusive Practice Program, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Natalya Krutilina, Head of Development Department, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;;

Natalya Kortunova, Senior Researcher, Custodian of 19th-20th Century Sculpture Art Collection, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Varvara Zamakhaeva, Senior Researcher, Custodian of the 19th-20th Century European and American Art Collection, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Irina Zakharova, Senior Researcher, Head of Creative Studios, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Svetlana Kochetkova, Artist, Head of Print Shop;

Marina Kovalenko, Artist, Head of Ceramics Workshop;

Albina Djumaeva, Inclusive Project Coordinator, Inclusive Program Department, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts;

Oksana Kitashova, Aesthetic Education Department Researcher, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.


Attendance: free of charge

Travel, accommodation and participation expenses will not be reimbursed.


We would like to express our gratitude to the Absolute-Help Foundation for their assistance in the Accessible Museum Project. We also acknowledge the help of the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Situations for their organizational measures and support of the project.


Additional data:


Number of places: 20.

Please send your applications to the following address:

Timeline: before April 15, 2019.